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The Contact Information element

With the Contact Information, details about a person and/or company address can be shown in different ways.

Semantic markup according to is also added for any contact.

Dr. Jake M. Pritchett III Ph. D.

Dr. Jake M. Pritchett III Ph. D.

Markup Brewers Inc.
Friesenstr. 64-66
50670 Cologne

Jake is a business leader who creates a vision, articulates the vision, and relentlessly drives it to completion.

Team overview
Lily Tucker-Pritchett

Lily Tucker-Pritchett

Short Cuts LLC
Pepper Saltzman

Pepper Saltzman

Locial Loop Ltd.
Friesenstr. 64-66
Room 42
50670 Cologne
NRW Germany
Mitchell Pritchett M.A.

Mitchell Pritchett M.A.

Hectic Hackers Inc.
Friesenstr. 64-66
50670 Cologne

Good design is making something intelligible and memorable. Great design is making something memorable and meaningful.